Unlock the Path to Your Future
Therapy for Women Beginning Their Empowered Path to Emotional Healing
In-Person in Whitesboro and Available Online throughout NY

There’s a battle raging inside you.
It’s an epic showdown of You vs. You, and you are always the loser.
No one witnesses the silent war, but you experience daily casualties on this battlefield.
For as long as you can remember, you’ve been fighting with yourself. You don’t know another way.
Your body betrays you at every turn.
Headaches, stomach issues, and problems sleeping have become normal parts of your life.
Every muscle is tense, and every hour of every day, you’re waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Exhaustion is constant, and you can’t remember the last time you actually felt well.

Being fat is a felony offense.
All your life, you’ve been punished for the crime of being born into the body you inhabit.
You’re guilty of having a body in the red zone on the BMI chart, of not fitting into the “regular sizes” of clothing, of not being perfect or “the pretty one.”
So, you’re sentenced to a life of never feeling good enough. Parties? Nope. Dinner with co-workers? Hell no! Going to the beach. Are you crazy???
The pain of your past is always there.
Disturbing memories play on repeat in your mind every hour of every day.
So, you do your best to push them down. You push them so far down that you think maybe they don’t exist anymore.
But they’re still there and come flooding back when you least expect it, sending you back to square one.

You can’t help but blame yourself.
You decide that it’s all your fault. You’ve made so many mistakes and have so many regrets, so you conclude that you must be a bad person.
“If I were a good person, then all these bad things wouldn’t have happened to me.”
You feel undeserving of love or respect, and it shows up in how you treat yourself.
Escape seems impossible.
You’ve tried so hard to make a change, but nothing works.
Sometimes, it feels like the more you struggle, the further you end up from where you want to be.
You can’t see a way forward – every door is locked, and all the paths look like dead ends.

This is where I come
into the picture.
Your future isn’t written in stone.
You aren’t doomed to wander around lost and in pain forever.
There is a way forward to the life you’ve always wanted.
Hi, I’m Kim.
Together, we can face your fears and learn to make peace with the past.
This journey isn’t easy, but together, we can walk this path to discover your unique self and experience your best life.
Learn to walk with confidence toward your goal and navigate around any obstacles in your way.
Reach out now and take the next step on your healing journey today!

It’s time to break free.
Step by step, let’s build a new future filled with self-compassion, joy, and even fun!
Call me now, and discover just how much
more of life you have to live!