There’s a constant war with yourself.
It’s the first thought when you open your eyes in the morning: “How much weight did I gain?”
Before you’re even fully awake, you’re standing on the scale and anxiously waiting to see the number.
Four pounds?! No way!! How?? Feeling disgusted with yourself, you avoid the mirror as you slink past it.
Your inner critic is relentless. You don’t deserve to eat. You’re fat and ugly. No wonder no one likes you.
Navigating each day is exasperating.
You feel forever trapped in a cycle of binging and purging, and it’s taking a toll on your health.
Just getting through the day takes up every last ounce of your energy, leaving you with nothing left to do the things you want.
You’re unable to concentrate at work, and you’re too self-conscious to socialize.
You are so tired of living at the mercy of your weight. Something needs to change.
Your journey to recovery begins with that first step.
Together, let’s work to restore a sense of control over your food intake and explore what healthier eating patterns would look like for you.
Through our sessions, we’ll identify the issues that lie beneath the surface of your disordered eating habits and heal these wounds at the source so that they no longer have control over you.
Learn to better understand your emotions and develop healthier coping skills in a safe therapeutic environment.
Let’s work together to help you build a sense of self that isn’t based on the size of your clothes or the number on your scale.
Live a more balanced life.
Adopt a healthier lifestyle and improve your overall well-being.
Tap into strengths and talents you never knew you had.
Challenge the distorted beliefs about your body and yourself.
Finally, begin to care for the part of you that’s been neglected for too long by your eating disorder.
Don’t wait for someday.
Start living the life you want today.
Let’s work together to heal those emotional wounds and build an empowered future.
Call me at (315) 520-8234 to schedule your free consultation and take the first step on your journey.
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